HH football regional cup I : Pre-selections for U11+ and U13+

HH football regional cup I : Pre-selections for U11+ and U13+

Last modification : June 1, 2024
HH football regional cup I Pre-selections for U11+ and U13+ - feat 1000

Dear parents,

as you know, we are organizing a football tournament in June 2023.

  • U11+ and U13+ on Saturday 8th of June 2024

These tournaments are competitive competitions, not open to beginners.
Like the other teams, we also have a limit of 14 names per category.

The final selection will be done 1 week before – we want to be sure that if a player is pre-selection :

  1. he will be available the full-day
  2. he will not miss the last 2 weeks of training

This tournament is organized on Pitch 1 at Arena Sports Club (the best pitch, close to the parking), and ensures 5 to 6 matches per team.

There is a fee for each player, for each category.

Here are the pre-selections, if all the players confirm their presence for this category, we might present 2 different squads in the U13+ category.

We expect a prompt answer.

The pre-selection means that :

  1. we will reconfirm the selection in one week (presence on the football pitch, fitness level, etc.)
  2. we always call a younger player to complete a squad and get a first experience of competition

U11+ Pre-selection

  1. Thank You + (Goal Keeper)
  2. Georgy +
  3. Copter
  4. Tana
  5. Bas
  6. Jack Robinson
  7. Danny Kirk
  8. Matthew
  9. Luca
  10. Léo
  11. Lev Guchev
  12. Alex Jansen
  13. Léo Froesch

Non-available: Sasha Waldman

U13+ Pre-selection

  1. Thank you (Goal Keeper)
  2. Georgy
  3. Achi
  4. John Lopez
  5. Thoby
  6. Yotam
  7. Joseph
  8. Daniyal
  9. Tana
  10. Kan +
  11. John Robinson
  12. Lev Roman (Goal Keeper)
  13. Bank
  14. Reeve
  15. Thomi
  16. Tyler
  17. Mon
  18. Bas
  19. Danny Kirk
  20. Sterling +
  21. Yuto +

The fees per player for this tournament are 600 THB per tournament.
It doesn’t include lunch or water but a small nutrition box for each player.

We will sell affordable food and water at the tournament.

If you want to play with your kit/name number, the last chance to order might be tomorrow 28th of May.

To order the new kit, if not done yet: HH Football Kits

Please confirm your presence or non-availability by private message to me, Coach Farid.
(Do not make your confirmation public or to Mymai which in charge of accounting only.)

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Coach Farid

Coach Farid

Coach Farid is French and grew up in Paris. He has been involved in multiple sports since a young age, participating in football on Saturdays and track & field on Sundays. He is the founder of HH Football Academy, which is part of the FFF International Network (French Football Federation). Additionally, he co-founded Runista.com, an elite triathlon team that also manages the performance of Ironmen, marathoners, Hyrox, and Spartan athletes. Farid's focus is on coaching and improving the performance of children.